Cherie Skibinsky
Artist Bio
Surrounded by the beauty and diversity of Alberta, Cherie Skibinsky’s artwork reflects a strong western Canadian feel. Rural Alberta has significant meaning for her as she was born and raised in Central Alberta and her work is a reflection of her love for this province. Cherie is inspired to capture the unique big blue skies, golden prairies, rolling foothills and majestic mountains, through realistic oil painting landscapes.
Each brush stroke has significance as she meditates on the promises found in scripture. Mindful of the God who created all, painting is a way for Cherie to express her understanding and love for the Lord. She evokes emotion, feeling and challenges the viewer to look past creation to the creator.
After many years of not being able to create, Cherie rediscovered her passion in 2017 when her career changed course. Painting full time from her home studio in Airdire Alberta, Cherie’s desire is to create art that will be enjoyed for years to come.
Romans 11:36 " For from him,and through him and to him are ALL things: to whom be the glory forever ."